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À propos du cours

Emergency First Response® primary and secondary care training teaches you what to do in the critical moments between when a life-threatening emergency occurs and when emergency medical services arrive.

Learn how to perform CPR, provide first aid that eases pain, assess a variety of injuries and illnesses and practice bandaging and splinting.

Ce que vous avez appris

Respond to a variety of illness and injuries
Help someone who is choking
Handle a possible spinal injury
Apply bandages and splints

Conditions requises de certification


Étude personnelle: 2-4 heures

Cours complet: 1-2 jours


Emergency First Response Primary and Secondary Care Training

Étape 1

PADI eLearning

Étape 2

Avec votre instructeur

COÛT SUPPLÉMENTAIRE : Votre magasin de plongée vous facturera les frais de formation et de location de matériel.

Questions Fréquemment Posées

The PADI Difference


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